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Massage Therapy Treatments


~Sales Tax Included in All Prices~

~Prices Subject to Change~

Integrative Massage Therapy Treatment (60 minutes) - $90

Eases pain, tension and stress with a combination of various manual therapy techniques to serve each client’s individual treatment needs: Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular Therapy, Stretching, Cupping and Reflexology.

Health in Harmony Massage Treatment (90 minutes) - $125

Invest in the most thorough and balancing version of the Integrative Massage Therapy Treatment. Deeply nourishing and rejuvenating for the ultimate experience of Health in Harmony.

Mini-Massage Therapy Treatment (30 minutes) - $45

A shortened version of the Integrative Massage Therapy Treatment. Spot-treatments that primarily focus on one specific problem area of pain.

Thai Yoga Massage Treatment (90 minutes) - $125

This traditional form of bodywork from Thailand incorporates the use of hands, knees, legs and feet to massage and manipulate muscles and fascia and move you into a series of yoga-like postures and stretches. No oil is applied, and you are fully and comfortably dressed during the session which takes place on a pad on the floor. Each session is designed to address energetic lines of the body called meridians to facilitate balance and ease in the body and mind.


Multi-treatment discounts available for all services. To be used within one year of purchase.

3 for $255

6 for $495

12 for $960

(above prices are for 60-minute Integrative Massage Therapy Treatments)


O-Y-O Complete Combos

45-minute Yoga Session + 45-minute Massage Treatment - $125

60-minute Yoga Session + 60-minute Massage Treatment - $170

30-minute Restorative Yoga & Guided Meditation + 90-minute Thai Yoga Massage Treatment - $170



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